This goal of this project was to design the battery packs for a go cart our Formula team was designing. The purpose of the go cart was to provide design projects to first year students in 2021 and to create a test platform for future projects. 

Along with a partner I decided that it made more sense to reuse battery segments we had from our Mk.4 car then to create new battery packs for the go-cart. This would both save us money on cells, and reduce waste.

Mk. 4 battery segment

To protect the battery segments from dirt and minor damage while on the go cart I designed an enclosure to fit around them. I also turned Delrin standoffs to insulate the segment from the steel plate beneath it. 

Connector plate that I designed, 3d printed and assembled to connect battery segments to go cart electronics. The female connectors themselves I pulled off of the Mk.4 busbars.

Brackets to attach the segments to the steel base plate. I milled 4 of these parts out of aluminum.

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